Membership with HHCK
2025 Memberships: Sign Up Here!
The strength of our work lies with our membership….
We welcome anyone who believes in ending homelessness and fulfilling the promise of an affordable home. No application is necessary, and our dues schedule is posted below. Becoming a member is easy! If you’d like to contribute online click here. Would you rather send a check? Mail to 306 W. Main Street, Suite 207, Frankfort KY 40601. Note “Membership” in the memo. Need an invoice? Click here!
In these uncertain times, we need a unified voice for advancing and defending housing priorities at the federal and state levels of government. Here is some of what we are doing to support communities’ housing needs across Kentucky:
Advocating for increased federal housing and community development funding for our partners. To that end, in the past 4 years we’ve led partners across Kentucky to fight for and secure an unprecedented amount of housing funding through COVID relief and the American Rescue Plan Act. We continue this campaign daily.
Implementing a legislative agenda in Frankfort and increasing the profile of housing needs and justice in the Commonwealth, including defending low-income consumers’ rights in housing, health care, and economic legislation. In 2021 we made steps in the right direction as we saw SB 21, HB 53, & HCR 7 pass. In 2022 the #KYGA22 session saw 24 housing bills sponsored that would have worked to improve housing for all Kentuckians, as well as the passage of SJR 72 regarding a Medicaid waiver for people experiencing severe mental illness. In 2023, for the first time ever, we have new state money for housing development through passage of HB 360, which creates a Rural Housing Trust Fund, and HB 448, which will empower communities devastated by natural disasters in eastern and western KY to rebuild via a $20 million seed fund. And with our housing partners we advocated for and saw passage of HB 21, commonly referred to as the Homeless ID Bill, which will cut the cost of obtaining an ID, streamline the billing process, allow unaccompanied minor youth to obtain an ID, and allow drivers to renew their license using a shelter address. See more here. In 2024 HB 100 passed, giving Kentuckians who are experiencing homelessness the opportunity to now receive copies of their birth certificates at no-cost.
Facilitating the Kentucky Interagency Council on Homelessness, the statewide planning body for homeless issues, and advising the Balance-of-State Continuum of Care on policy issues, and working on a statewide Respite to Residence campaign.
Under the Thrive Kentucky campaign, working with other cross-sector policy groups to help policymakers make the connection between safe, decent, and affordable housing to individual and community wellbeing.
Providing organizational capacity to nonprofits and local governments to meet housing and safety net needs through the Homes for All AmeriCorps and AmeriCorps VISTA national service programs.
Additionally, we continue to:
Advocate for continued and increased federal housing and community development funding for our partners.
Implement a legislative agenda in Frankfort by working with the Affordable Housing Caucus and supporting 27 strong housing bills in the 2024 session.
Work with media at the local, state, and national level to lift up the housing needs of low-income Kentuckians and our members.
Work with other cross-sector policy groups under the Thrive Kentucky campaign to help policymakers make the connection between safe, decent, and affordable housing to individual and community wellbeing.
Facilitate the Kentucky Interagency Council on Homelessness and bringing in external policy experts.
Advise the Balance-of-State Continuum of Care on policy issues.
House Kentuckians in the rural parts of the state to fill service gaps.
Provide organizational capacity to nonprofits and local governments to meet housing needs through the Homes for All AmeriCorps and AmeriCorps VISTA national service programs.
Lastly, HHCK is committed to racial justice and has outlined our plans here.
Benefits of both Individual and Partner Organization membership include a free annual membership meeting, training and technical assistance, and access to a health insurance association for small employers. Additionally, your membership – whether at the individual/advocacy level or as a partnering organization – helps support permanent supportive housing for people experiencing chronic homelessness in underserved areas and allows us to be a resource for technical questions and issues for organizations across Kentucky. If there are additional ways HHCK can support your efforts to increase housing opportunities in your community, please feel free to reach out to Adrienne Bush or call by phone at 502-223-1834, ext. 101.
Membership Rates
For partner agencies and organizations, membership is based on annual organizational budget:
<$100,000 = $50
$100,000-$249,000 = $100
$250,000-$499,000 = $200
$500,000-$749,000 = $250
$750,000-$999,000 = $300
$1,000,000-$2,000,000 = $400
$2,000,000+ = $500 Organizations: need an invoice? Download here.
Advocacy Memberships (Individual) are based upon the individual’s ability to give. Below are suggestions you may find helpful: Housing Hero: $1,000 or more Advocacy Leader: $500 - $999 Policy Partner: $125 - $499 United Voice: $10 - $124